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6S commendation conference in the second quarter of 2021

Hits:4164   Date:2021-08-13

On the morning of July 30, 2021, our company held the 6S commendation meeting in the second quarter of 2021.

6S management includes six aspects: sorting, rectification, cleaning, cleaning, literacy and safety. Its main function is to create a good working space for the enterprise and enable each employee to develop a good working habit, so as to improve work efficiency, reduce production cost, ensure production safety and finally achieve the purpose of improving the economic benefits of the enterprise.

In this commendation meeting, our company presented awards and rewards to outstanding departments that have done well. The top three departments are the first "International Department", the second "financial center", the third "Xiangrong Power Sales Department" and "procurement center". In order to thank the employees, the company also specially prepared breakfast for all the staff.

Since the implementation of 6S management, the company has strictly followed the 6S management standard system, and the personnel of all departments have actively cooperated with the work, which has not only changed the appearance of the company, but also improved the quality of employees. Through more in-depth 6S management, the company's production site has also been better optimized.
