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Deepen cooperation at Exhibition Indonesia 2024

Hits:808   Date:2024-05-09

Recently, two business personnel of our International department once again went to Indonesia to participate in the high-profile industry event - the 6th China (Indonesia) Trade Fair 2024. This exhibition is not only the second time for the company to participate in the exhibition, but also an important opportunity for the company to show its strength on the international stage and expand the market. After several days of exhibitions and exchanges, not only gained a lot of cooperation intentions, but also further consolidated the friendship and cooperation relations with Indonesian and international counterparts.

During the exhibition, our booth was located in a prominent position in the exhibition hall, attracting the attention of many visitors. The exhibitors carefully arranged the display area, and presented the latest caster products and technical achievements to customers one by one. And warmly welcome every visitor, detailed introduction of product features, application scenarios and the company's development concept.

At the exhibition site, we also had in-depth exchanges and discussions with industry colleagues from Indonesia and around the world. Everyone around the caster industry development trend, market demand, technological innovation and other topics launched a heated discussion, sharing their own experience and insights. Through this exchange, the company not only understood the latest developments and demand changes in the Indonesian market, but also got to know a group of potential partners and customer resources, laying a solid foundation for future business expansion.

Looking back on this exhibition, I have gained a lot. It not only successfully demonstrated its own strength and advantages, but also harvested many cooperation intentions and market opportunities. In the future, our company will continue to deepen the Indonesian market, strengthen cooperation and exchanges with local and international counterparts, and jointly promote the healthy development of castor industry. At the same time, the company will continue to develop innovative products and technologies, enhance brand competitiveness, and provide customers with better products and services.

This business trip to Indonesia is not only an exhibition experience, but also an opportunity for in-depth exchanges and common development with international counterparts. Our company will take this as an opportunity to continuously explore the international market and write a more brilliant future chapter.
